Images from Bairds 1823 shoot April 2016
Cryermalt are happy to announce the arrival of Maris Otter® Crystal Malt which is part of the 1823 Heritage Collection from Bairds Malt UK.
Our highest quality medium colour crystal malt produced using one of the best known English two-row winter barley varieties recognised as the heart and soul of many exceptional craft ales.
The barley is grown by a limited number of dedicated farmers who work with this traditional English brewing variety, which has one of the longest crop cycles at 300 days.
It is then down to our highly skilled maltsters and roasters to work hand in hand to produce one of our highest quality crystallised malts. The true art of the roasters skills/trade where they draw on all of their sensory skills to determine just when that right time is to drop the roaster burners and allow the malt to coast to the peak temperature that ensures that they achieve a malt that is packed full of very sweet honey, caramel flavours yet has a slightly bitter finish. This is the ideal product to provide enhanced colour, depth of flavour profile and aroma to any great beer.
Colour Range: 140-160 EBC
Get in touch with your malt man on the ground.
[email protected]